14. 14th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry (ISABC)
Member of the organizing committee
7-19 June, 2017, Toulouse, France
13. Colloque de Printemps de l’Institut Universitaire de France (thématique : « La Vérité »)
Member of the organizing committee
2-3 April, 2013, Toulouse, France
12. 18th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC)
Co-organiser and co-chairman (with Philipper Kalck)
9-13 July, 2012, Toulouse, France
11. CopAmphi2012
Member of organizing committee
5-7 June, 2012, Toulouse, France
10. 19th EuCHEMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (EuCOMC)
Co-organiser and co-chairman (with Philipper Kalck)
4-7 July, 2011, Toulouse, France
9. Workshop “Homogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Development”
Co-organiser (with Maurizio Peruzzini)
7 June 2010, Rome, Italy
8. GFP Sud-Ouest 2010 (regional meeting for Ph.D. students in polymer chemistry)
Co-organiser (with Mathias Destarac)
25-26 March 2010, Samatan (Gers), France
7. 2nd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress (ECC2)
Convener and chairman of a symposium entitled “Radical Reactivity in Transition Metal Chemistry”
September 16-20, 2008, Torino, Italy
6. Workshop “Catalysis in Aqueous Media”
Co-organizer and co-chairman (with Anne-Marie Caminade)
November 30 - December 1, 2007, Toulouse, France
5. 32th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society "
Co-organizer (with Vernon Gibson and Klaus Theopold) of a symposium on "Radical Metal Complex Chemistry"
September 10-14, 2006 , San Francisco, CA, USA
4. Eighth Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences (EuAsC2S-8)
Convener and chairman of a Minisymposium entitled “Green Chemistry
October 20-23, 2003 , Hanoi, Vietnam
3. EURO-Hydrides 2000
Co-organizer (with Maurizio Peruzzini) and chairman
September 6 - 9, 2000, Dijon, France
2. Trends in Trantition Metal Chemistry: Towards the Thid Millennium. A symposium in honour of Fausto Calderazzo
Co-organizer (with Francesco Ciardelli) and chairman
February 24 - 27 , 2000, Pisa, Italy
1. 5th FGIPS
Member of the organizing committee
26 - 31 October , 1999, Toulouse, France