256. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 6 March, 2025 (afternoon)
“Aqueous biphasic catalysis within precise amphiphilic polymeric nanoreactors”
255. Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY, USA, 6 March, 2025 (morning)
“Vitrimers with inorganic crosslinks: a new playground for coordination chemistry”
254. State University of New York (SUNY), Albany, NY, USA, 4 March, 2025
“Aqueous biphasic catalysis within precise amphiphilic polymeric nanoreactors”
253. Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, 3 March, 2025
“Radical reactivity of organometallic compounds with homolytically weak metal-carbon bonds”
252. Academia dei Lincei, Rome, Italy, 5 December 2024
“Sviluppo di catalizzatori in nanoreattori polimerici per la sostenibilità ambientale” (online presentation)
(programme “I Lincei per la Scuola” for an audience of high-school teachers)
251. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, 9 October, 2024
“Copper chemistry of relevance to atom transfer radical polymerization”
250. Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT), Wuhan, China, 8 October, 2024
“Coordination vitrimers: introducing inorganic Zr and Hf carboxylate clusters to produce innovative adaptable network materials”
249. Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT), Wuhan, China, 7 October, 2024
“Aqueous biphasic catalysis within precise amphiphilic polymeric nanoreactors”
248. Beihang University, Beijing, China, 30 September, 2024: “Aqueous biphasic catalysis within precise amphiphilic polymeric nanoreactors”
247. University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 14 June, 2024
“The ever-expanding mechanistic landscape of (de)hydrogenation, hydrogen transfer and borrowing hydrogen transformations”
246. University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 13 June, 2024
“Coordination vitrimers: introducing inorganic Zr and Hf carboxylate clusters to produce innovative adaptable network materials”
244. Dipartimento di chimica “Ugo Schiff”, Università di Firence, Florence, Italy, 11 March 2024
“Mechanistic investigations on Cp*Co(III)-catalyzed "borrowing hydrogen" reactions: the already rich mechanistic landscape is further expanding!”
243. Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, Montpellier, 26 September, 2023
“Catalyzed and Reductive Terminations in Metal-Mediated Radical Polymerizations”
242. Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UMR 8181), Lille, 28 April, 2022
“The ever-expanding mechanistic landscape of hydrogenation, transfer hydrogenation and borrowing-hydrogen catalyzed transformations”
241. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica (DICATECh), Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy, February 15, 2019
“Legami metallo-carbonio deboli in sintesi organica e in polimerizzazione radicalica controllata”
240. Department of Applied Molecular Chemistry, Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, December 19, 2018.
“Homolytically weak metal-carbon bonds in organic synthesis and controlled radical polymerization”
239. Department of Materials Engineering Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, University of Osaka, Osaka, December 18, 2018.
“Mechanistic studies on ketone hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation in the absence of deprotonatable ligands: going beyond the Noyori mechanism”
238. Noyori Materials Science Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya, December 17, 2018.
“Mechanistic studies on ketone hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation in the absence of deprotonatable ligands: going beyond the Noyori mechanism”
237. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India, December 12, 2018 (afternoon).
“Mechanistic studies on ketone hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation in the absence of deprotonatable ligands: going beyond the Noyori mechanism”
236. Polymer Science and Engineering Division, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (R. A. Mashelkar Polymer Science and Engineering Lecture Series), Pune, India, December 12, 2018 (morning).
“Organometallic compounds with homolytically weak metal-carbon bonds make robust controlling systems for the radical polymerization of ‘less activated monomers’”
235. State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Shanghai, China, April 27, 2018
“Organometallic compounds with homolytically weak metal-carbon bonds: relevance to controlled radical polymerization”
234. E2P2L (Laboratoire pour les produits et les procédés éco-efficients), UMI 3464 CNRS-Solvay, Shanghai, China, 26 April, 2018
“Ligand-functionalized, well-defined polymeric nanoreactors : metal coordination, polymer dynamics and applications in aqueous biphasic catalysis”
233. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Wuhan, China, April 24, 2018
“Ligand-functionalized, well-defined polymeric nanoreactors : metal coordination, polymer dynamics and applications in aqueous biphasic catalysis”
232. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Chemistry Department, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India, March 23, 2018
“Mechanistic studies on ketone hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation in the absence of deprotonatable ligands: going beyond the Noyori mechanism”
231. Solvay Research and Innovation Center, Advanced Materials Lab, Vadodara, India, March 21, 2018
“Ligand-functionalized, well-defined polymeric nanoreactors : metal coordination, polymer dynamics and applications in aqueous biphasic catalysis”
230. University of Baroda, Department of Chemistry, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, March 20, 2018
“Mechanistic studies on ketone hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation in the absence of deprotonatable ligands: going beyond the Noyori mechanism”
229. CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Bhavnagar, Gujarat, March 19, 2018
“Mechanistic studies on ketone hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation in the absence of deprotonatable ligands: going beyond the Noyori mechanism”
228. CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Bhavnagar, Gujarat, March 19, 2018
“Ligand-functionalized, well-defined polymeric nanoreactors : metal coordination, polymer dynamics and applications in aqueous biphasic catalysis”
227. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Department of Chemistry, Kanpur, India, March 14, 2018
“Ligand-functionalized, well-defined polymeric nanoreactors : metal coordination, polymer dynamics and applications in aqueous biphasic catalysis”
226. University of Osaka, Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate Schol of Engineering, Suita Campus,
Osaka, January 23, 2018
“Mechanistic studies on ketone hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation in the absence of deprotonatable ligands: going beyond the Noyori mechanism”
225. University of Kyoto, Institute for Chemical Research
Kyoto, Japan, January 23, 2018
“Ligand-functionalized, well-defined polymeric nanoreactors : metal coordination, polymer dynamics and applications in aqueous biphasic catalysis”
224. University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science
Tokyo, Japan, January 22, 2018
“Organometallic compounds with homolytically weak metal-carbon bonds: relevance to controlled radical polymerization”
223. Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy, SpA
Bollate, Italy, November 23, 2017
“Controlled polymerization of ‘less reactive monomers’ using transition metal complexes as controlling agents”
222. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Department of Chemistry
Chennai, India, 13 January 2017
“A new approach to biphasic catalysis using a polymeric nanoreactor platform”
221. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, School of Chemistry
Thiruvananthapuram (CET Campus), India, 12 January 2017
“Exploring the landscape of homolytically weak metal-carbon bonds and their relevance to controlled radical polymerization”
220. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ, Instituto de Macromoleculas Professora Eloisa Mano-IMA
Rio de Janeir, Brazil, 7 December 2016
“Exploring the landscape of homolytically weak metal-carbon bonds and their relevance to controlled radical polymerization”
219. Universidade Federale de Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 6 December 2016
“Macroscopic effects of controlling molecular aggregation: from mayonnaise to nanomaterials and catalysis” (broad audience seminar)
218. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Departamento de Quimica
Ouro Preto, Brazil, 5 December 2016
“Well-defined polymeric nanoreactors for aqueous biphasic catalysis: coordination chemistry, polymer dynamics and hydroformylation catalysis”
217. Universidade de São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 November 2016
“Polymeric nanoreactors for aqueous biphasic catalysis: coordination chemistry, polymer dynamics and hydroformylation catalysis”
216. Universidade Federale de Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 29 November 2016
“A new Approach to biphasic catalysis using a polymeric nanoreactor platform”
215. Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 22 September 2016
“Synthesis of polymeric nanoreactors and applications to biphasic catalysis: learning about polymer dynamics from coordination chemistry”
214. Yale University, Department of Chemistry
New Haven, CT, USA, 19 September 2016
“Synthesis of polymeric nanoreactors and applications to biphasic catalysis: learning about polymer dynamics from coordination chemistry”
213. University of Texas at San Antonio, Department of Cemistry
San Antonio, TX, USA, 3 June 2015
“A new approach to biphasic catalysis using a polymeric nanoreactor platform”
212. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Chemistry Division
Los Alamos, NM, USA, 1 June 2015
“A new approach to biphasic catalysis using a polymeric nanoreactor platform”
211. Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 28 May 2015
“A new approach to biphasic catalysis using a polymeric nanoreactor platform”
210. Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 29 July 2014
“Interplay of One-Electron Processes in Controlled Radical Polymerization Mediated by Iron Complexes”
209. Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, Canada, 16 July 2014
“Accès à une nouvelle plateforme pour la catalyse biphasique par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée”
208. University of Montreal
Montreal, Canada, 15 July 2014
“Mechanistic studies on an iridium-catalyzed hydrogenation of ketones”
207. Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokyo, Japan, 29 November 2013
“Precise phosphine-functionalized macromolecular architectures: synthesis by controlled radical polymerization and application to the biphasic hydroformylation of higher olefins”
206. Universitat Autonoma Barcelona
Bellaterra, Spain, 26 June 2013
“Interplay of associative and dissociative one-electron processes in organometallic chemistry: access to precision polymers with controlled functionality”
205. Universität Würzburg
Würzburg, Germany, 26 April 2013
“Platinum-catalyzed intermolecular hydroamination of non-activated olefins: challenges and recent progress”
204. Universität Regensburg
Regensburg, Germany, 25 April 2013
“Oxidation processes catalyzed by high oxidation state organometallics”
203. Chemistry, Catalysis, Polymers and processes (C2P2, CPE Lyon)
Lyon, France, 7 February 2013
“Complexes organométalliques à liaisons métal-carbone faibles : clé pour l'accès à des nouveaux polymères par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée”
202. Taras Shevchenko University
Kiev, Ukraine, 20 April 2012
“Highlights in transition metal chemistry: catalytic intermolecular hydroamination, catalytic epoxidation, metals for controlled radical polymerization and new polymers for catalytic applications”
201. Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus
Osaka, Japan, 22 February 2012
“Oxidation processes catalyzed by high oxidation state organometallics”
200. Nagoya University
Nagoya, Japan, 21 February 2012
“Interplay of associative and dissociative one-electron processes in organometallic chemistry: access to precision polymers with controlled functionality”
199. Kyoto University, Katsura Campus
Osaka, Japan, 17 February 2012
“Interplay of associative and dissociative one-electron processes in organometallic chemistry: access to precision polymers with controlled functionality”
198. Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus
Osaka, Japan, 16 February 2012
“Interplay of associative and dissociative one-electron processes in organometallic chemistry: access to precision polymers with controlled functionality”
197. Osaka University, Suita Campus
Osaka, Japan, 14 February 2012
“Platinum-catalyzed intermolecular hydroamination of non-activated olefins: challenges and recent progress”
196. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compound, Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia, 14 December 2011
“Interplay of associative and dissociative one-electron processes in organometallic chemistry: access to precision polymers with controlled functionality”
195. Moscow State (“Lomonosov”) University
Moscow, Russia, 12 December 2011
“Platinum-catalyzed intermolecular hydroamination of non-activated olefins: challenges and recent progress”
194. Université de Lille, Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide UMR 8181
Lille, France, 14 October 2010
“Juxtaposition de processus à 1 électron associatifs et dissociatifs en chimie organométallique: accès à des architectures polymères avec fonctionnalité contrôlée”
193. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Bangi, Malaysia, 15 July 2010
“ATRP and other Metal Mediated Controlled Radical Polymerizations”
192. Universität Erlangen
Erlangen, Germany, 22 June 2010
“Oxidation processes catalyzed by high oxidation state organometallics”
191. Technische universität München
Garching, Germany, 21 June 2010
“Oxidation processes catalyzed by high oxidation state organometallics”
190. Leiden University
Leiden, The Netherlands, 14 June 2010
“The intermolecular hydroamination of non activated olefins: challenges and progress using Pt catalysis”
189. Temple University
Philadelphia, PA, USA, 23 April 2010
“The intermolecular hydroamination of non activated olefins: challenges and progress using Pt catalysis”
188. University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA, USA, 22 April 2010
“Interplay of various one-electron processes involving transition metals in controlled radical polymerization”
187. University of West Virginia
Morgantown, WV, USA, 21 April 2010
“Interplay of various one-electron processes involving transition metals in controlled radical polymerization”
186. Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 20 April 2010
“Interplay of various one-electron processes involving transition metals in controlled radical polymerization”
185. Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 19 April, 2010
“Transition metal (mediated or catalyzed) radical polymerisation: how many different kinds?”
184. University of Maryland College Park
College Park, MD, USA, 14 April, 2010
“Transition metal (mediated or catalyzed) radical polymerisation: how many different kinds?”
183. University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Canada, 9 April 2010
“The intermolecular hydroamination of non activated olefins: challenges and progress using Pt catalysis”
182. Université du Quebec à Montréal
Montréal, Canada, 6 April 2010
“Polymérisation radicalaire médiée (ou catalysée) par des métaux de transition: combien de types différents ?”
181. Hong-Kong City University
Hong Kong, 16 December, 2009
“Interplay of various one-electron processes involving transition metals in controlled radical polymerization”
180. Hong-Kong University
Hong Kong, 15 December, 2009
“Interplay of various one-electron processes involving transition metals in controlled radical polymerization”
179. Hong-Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong, 14 December, 2009
“Interplay of various one-electron processes involving transition metals in controlled radical polymerization”
178. Laboratoire de Reconnaissance Ionique et Chimie de Coordination, SCIB/INAC/CEA
Grenoble, France, 17 September, 2009
“Juxtaposition de différents processus à un électron en chimie de coordination et leur rôle dans la polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée”
177. Université de Rennes1, UMR-CNRS 6226
Rennes, France, 8 July, 2009
“Conception de la sphère de coordination en polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par voie organométallique”
176. Organisch-chemisches Institut, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität
Münster, Germany, 16 June, 2009
“The intermolecular hydroamination of non activated olefins: challenges and progress using Pt catalysis”
175. Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
Bonn, Germany, 15 June, 2009
“Ligand engineering in radical polymerization controlled by organometallic complexes”
174. Freie Universität
Berlin, Germany, 11 June, 2009
“The intermolecular hydroamination of non activated olefins: challenges and progress using Pt catalysis”
173. Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Łόdź, Poland, 8 June, 2009
“Ligand engineering in radical polymerization controlled by organometallic complexes”
172. Institute of Organic Chemistry, Technical University of Łόdź
Łόdź, Poland, 8 June, 2009
“Asymmetric hydrogenation of prochiral ketones with iridium and planar chiral bifunctional ferrocenyl phosphines”
171. Institute of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Carl von Ossietzky-Universität
Oldenburg, Germany, 25 May, 2009
“The intermolecular hydroamination of non activated olefins: challenges and progress using Pt catalysis”
170. GDCh lecture, Department of Chemistry, Martin-Luther-Universität
Halle, Germany, 20 May, 2009
“The intermolecular hydroamination of non activated olefins: challenges and progress using Pt catalysis”
169. Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse
Rostock, Germany, 12 May, 2009
“Interplay of different one-electron processes in coordination/organometallic chemistry: their role in controlled radical polymerization”
168. Anorganische und Angewandte Chemie, Universität Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany, 11 May, 2009
“The intermolecular hydroamination of non activated olefins: challenges and progress using Pt catalysis”
167. Istituto Superior Tecnico
Lisbon, Portugal, 6 November 2008
“Interplay of different one-electron processes in coordination/organometallic chemistry: their role in controlled radical polymerization”
166. University of Maryland College Park,
College Park,MD, USA, 22 April, 2008
“Asymmetric hydrogenation of aryl ketones catalyzed by iridium complexes containing chiral ferrocenyl phosphine-thioethers”
165. University of Maryland College Park
College Park, MD, USA, 17 April, 2008
“Recollections of an inorganic globetrotter. From carbonyl chemistry to controlled radical polymerization, though multiple metal-metal bonds, spin crossover reactivity and other weird stuff”
164. Université Paris Sud
Orsay, France, 26 March 2008
“Hydrogenation asymétrique d'arylcétones catalysée par des complexes d'iridium avec des phosphine-thioethers ferrocéniques chiraux”
163. Universität Aachen
Aachen, Germany, 7 March 2008
“Interplay of different one-electron processes in coordination chemistry and their role in controlled radical polymerization”
162. Université "Louis Pasteur"
Strasbourg, France, 6 March 2008
“Juxtaposition de différents processus à un électron en chimie de coordination et leur rôle dans la polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée”
161. Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse
Rostock, Germany, 4 March 2008
“Chemistry and Catalysis with High Oxidation State Cp*Mo and Cp*W Complexes in Water”
160. Universität Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany, 22 February 2008
“Interplay of different one-electron processes in coordination chemistry and their role in controlled radical polymerization”
159. Universität Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany, 20 February 2008
“Chemistry and Catalysis with High Oxidation State Cp*Mo and Cp*W Complexes in Water”
158. Universität Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany, February 14, 2008
“Proton transfer to hydride complexes through the formation of intermediate hydrogen-bonded adducts”
157. University of Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv, Israel, April 11, 2007
“Asymmetric hydrogenation of aryl ketones catalyzed by iridium complexes with chiral ferrocenyl phosphine thioethers”
156. Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel, April 10, 2007
“Asymmetric hydrogenation of aryl ketones catalyzed by iridium complexes with chiral ferrocenyl phosphine thioethers”
155. Université de Liège
Liège, Belgium, 29 January, 2007
“Juxtaposition de differents processus à un électron en chimie de coordination et leur rôle en polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée”
154. Ege Üniversitesi
Izmir, Turkey, November 2, 2006
“Interplay of different one-electron processes in controlled radical polymerization mediated by transition metal complexes”
153. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi
Muradiye-Manisa, Turkey, October 30, 2006
“Interplay of different one-electron processes in controlled radical polymerization mediated by transition metal complexes”
152. Institute of organometallic chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 10, 2006
“Controlled Radical Polymerization Mediated by Transition Metal Complexes. New Mechanistic Twists and Perspectives”
151. Università di Pisa
Pisa, Italy, October 10, 2005
“Principi e fenomeni in reattività organometallica coinvolgente dei cambiamenti di stato di spin”
150. University of Maryland College Park
College Park, MD, August 25, 2005
“Basic Transition Metal Reactivity of Relevance to Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization” 149.
The Mellon Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, August 5, 2005
“Basic Transition Metal Reactivity of Relevance to Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization”
148. Istituto Superior Tecnico
Lisbon, Portugal, February 3, 2005
“Basic Transition Metal Reactivity of Relevance to Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization”
147. Humboldt Universität
Berlin, Germany, November 24, 2004
“Basic Transition Metal Reactivity of Relevance to Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization”
146. Technische Universität Berlin
Berlin, Germany, November 23, 2004
“Reactions Involving Organometallic Open-Shell Systems: New Concepts in Organometallic Chemistry”
145. Warsaw Technical University
Warsaw, Poland, April 16, 2004
“Controlled radical polymerization with coordination compounds of molybdenum: mechanistic issues”
144. University of Wrocław
Wrocław, Poland, April 15, 2004
“Controlled radical polymerization with coordination compounds of molybdenum: mechanistic issues”
143. Institute of Molecular and Macromolecular Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Łodź, Poland, April 14, 2004
“Controlled radical polymerization with coordination compounds of molybdenum: mechanistic issues”
142. Polimeri Europa, Istituto Donegani
Novara, Italy, March 15, 2004
“Recent Studies on the Protonation Mechanism of Transition Metal Hydride Complexes”
141. Universitat de Girona
Girona, Spain, January 20, 2004
“High oxidation state organometallic chemistry in water: new opportunities for catalysis and electrocatalysis”
140. Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain, January 21, 2004
“High oxidation state organometallic chemistry in water: new opportunities for catalysis and electrocatalysis”
139. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Bellaterra, Spain, January 20, 2004
“Organometallic Reactions Involving Open-Shell Systems and Spin State Changes: Spin Acceleration Effects and the Explicit Calculation of Minimum Energy Crossing Points”
138. Universitat Jaume I
Castellon de la Plana, Spain, January 19, 2004
“Organometallic Reactions Involving Open-Shell Systems and Spin State Changes: Spin Acceleration Effects and the Explicit Calculation of Minimum Energy Crossing Points”
137. Ege Üniversitesi
Izmir, Turkey, November 19, 2003
“High oxidation state organometallic chemistry in water: new opportunities for catalysis and electrocatalysis”
136. Izmir Institute of Technology
Izmir, Turkey, November 14, 2003
“High oxidation state organometallic chemistry in water: new opportunities for catalysis and electrocatalysis”
135. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Israel, November 12, 2003
“Organometallic Reactions Involving Open-Shell Systems and Spin State Changes: Spin Acceleration Effects and the Explicit Calculation of Minimum Energy Crossing Points”
134. Technion
Haifa, Israel, November 10, 2003
“Organometallic Reactions Involving Open-Shell Systems and Spin State Changes: Spin Acceleration Effects and the Explicit Calculation of Minimum Energy Crossing Points”
133. Ben Gurion University
Be’er Sheva, Israel, November 9, 2003
“Organometallic Reactions Involving Open-Shell Systems and Spin State Changes: Spin Acceleration Effects and the Explicit Calculation of Minimum Energy Crossing Points”
132. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi
Muradiye-Manisa, Turkey, November 7, 2003
“High oxidation state organometallic chemistry in water: new opportunities for catalysis and electrocatalysis”
131. Universidad de Oviedo
Oviedo, Spain, June 10, 2003
“The contribution of coordination chemistry to living radical polymerization”
130. Universidad de Oviedo
Oviedo, Spain, June 9, 2003
“High oxidation state aqueous organometallic chemistry: new opportunities for catalysis and electrocatalysis in water”
129. Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Brest, France, June 6, 2003
“Une nouvelle chimie organométallique en phase aqueuse: nature et transformations du fragment Cp*Mo”
128. Università di Pisa
Pisa, Italy, January 23, 2003
“L'apporto della chimica di coordinazione alla polimerizzazione radicalica vivente”
127. Università di Firenze
Florence, Italy, January 22, 2003
“The contribution of coordination chemistry to living radical polymerization”
126. Università di Bologna
Bologna, Italy, January 21, 2003
“Catalisi di idroformilazione asimmetrica: nuovi leganti e nuovi aspetti meccanicistici”
125. Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (LCC) CNRS
Toulouse, November 8, 2002
"Apport des forces homolytiques de liaison au contrôle de la polymérisation radicalaire; le cas des complexes organométalliques de molybdène"
124. Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
South Kensington, London, UK, October 10, 2002
“Use of molybdenum organometallics in controlled radical polymerization of polart olefins: all basic mechanisms are possible”
123. LCOO, UMR 5802, Université Bordeaux I
Bordeaux, France, May 17, 2002
“Apport des forces homolytiques de liaison au contrôle de la polymérisation radicalaire; le cas des complexes organométalliques de molybdène”
121. Center for Functional Nanostructures, Universität Karlsruhe
Karlsruhe, Germany, April 22, 2002
"Opportunities in aqueous high oxidation state organometallic chemistry; the case of half-sandwich molybdenum systems"
121. BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Ludwigshafen, Germany, March 5, 2002
"Use of molybdenum complexes in controlled radical polymerization of polar olefins: interplay of SFRP and ATRP; living vs. CCT polymerization"
120. Università di Milano
Milano, Italy, February 1, 2002
"Approccio meccanicistico e teorico per la comprensione della polimerizzazione radicalica controllata; l'esempio di composti organometallici e di coordinazione di molibdeno"
119. Polimeri Europa, Instituto Donegani
Novara, Italy, January 31, 2002
"Approccio meccanicistico e teorico per la comprensione della polimerizzazione radicalica controllata; l'esempio di composti organometallici e di coordinazione di molibdeno"
118. Universität Kaiserslautern
Kaiserslautern, Germany, December 20, 2001
"Opportunities in aqueous high oxidation state organometallic chemistry; the case of half-sandwich molybdenum systems"
117. Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques - Université de Bordeaux 1
Bordeaux, France, October 26, 2001
"Réactivité organométallique impliquant des différentes surfaces de spin. Etudes expérimentales et théoriques"
116. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compound, Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia, August 30, 2001
"Aqueous high oxidation state organometallic chemistry"
115. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Chemistry Division
Los Alamos, NM, USA, August 7, 2001
"Aqueous high oxidation state organometallic chemistry"
114. Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule
Zürich, Switzerland, May 29, 2001
"Two-state reactivity in organometallic chemistry: experiments and computations"
113. University of Bristol
Bristol, UK, April 25, 2001
"New ligands for asymmetric hydroformylation"
112. Glaxo Smith Klein
Verona, Italy, April 20, 2001
"Nuovi leganti per l’idroformilazione asimmetrica"
111. Universidad de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain, March 1, 2001
"Two-state reactivity in organometallic chemistry: experiments and computations"
110. Universidad de Tarragona
Tarragona, Spain, February 28, 2001
"New ligands for asymmetric hydroformylation catalysis"
109. Universidad de Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain, February 26, 2001
"Two-state reactivity in organometallic chemistry: experiments and computations"
108. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Groningen, The Netherlands, December 8, 2000
"Two-state reactivity in organometallic chemistry: experiments and computations"
107. Anorganisch-Chemisches Institut, Universität Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland, May 12, 2000
"Stability and decomposition pathways of paramagnetic mono- and polyhydrides"
106. Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (ENSPC)
Paris, France, April 27, 2000
"Nouveaux ligands bifonctionnels optiquement actifs pour la catalyse énantiosélective"
105. Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM, USA, March 17, 2000
"Organometallic reactivity on more than one spin surface"
104. Laboratoire de Physique (LPUB), Université de Bourgogne
Dijon, France, November 19, 1999
"Réactivité organométallique avec croisement de surfaces de spin"
103. Université de Montpellier II, Laboratoire de Structure et Dynamique des Systemes Moleculaires et Solides
Montpellier, France, October 25, 1999
"Réactivité organométallique avec croisement de surfaces de spin"
102. Università di Milano
Milano, Italy, October 15, 1999
"Reattività organometallica con cambiamento di stati di spin"
101. University of Maryland College Park
College Park, MD, USA, September 16, 1999
"When electrons flip in organometallic reactions"
100. University of Texas
Austin, Texas, USA, September 14, 1999
"When electrons flip in organometallic reactions"
99. Istituto per lo Studio della Stereochimica ed Energetica dei Composti di Coordinazione - CNR
Florence, Italy, April 8, 1999
"Stabilità e meccanismi di decomposizione di complessi mono- e poliidruri paramagnetici"
98. Shell International Chemicals B.V.
Amsterdam, February 12, 1999
"Stability and decomposition pathways of paramagnetic mono- and polyhydrides"
97. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire de chimie inorganique et matériaux moléculaires
Paris, France, January 25, 1999
"Effets d'un changement d'état de spin dans la stabilité et la réactivité en chimie organométallique"
96. Universität Kaiserslautern
Kaiserslautern, Germany, November 10, 1998
"Stability and decomposition pathways of paramagnetic mono- and polyhydrides"
95. Universität Erlangen
Erlangen, Germany, November 9, 1998
"Stability and decomposition pathways of paramagnetic mono- and polyhydrides"
94. University of Oxford
Oxford, England, July 18, 1998
"The transition metal-hydrogen bond. New surprises in an old field"
93. University of Bristol
Bristol, England, July 17, 1998
"Effects of the spin state on the stability and reactivity of open-shell organometallics: interplay of theory and experiment"
92. University of Cardiff
Cardiff, Wales, July 16, 1998
"Effects of the spin state on the stability and reactivity of open-shell organometallics: interplay of theory and experiment"
91. University of Nottingham
Nottingham, England, July 15, 1998
"The transition metal-hydrogen bond. New surprises in an old field"
90. University of Oxford, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
Oxford, England, July 9, 1998
"Effects of the spin state on the stability and reactivity of open-shell organometallics: interplay of theory and experiment"
89. Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (LCC) CNRS
Toulouse, April 17, 1998
"Réactivité organométallique avec croisement de surfaces de spin"
88. Université Louis Pasteur
Strasbourg, France, February 6, 1998
"Réactivité organométallique avec croisement de surfaces de spin"
83-87. « Convention intercantonale romande pour l’enseignement du 3ème cycle en chimie »
Université de Berne
Berne, Switzerland, December 8, 1997
"Propriétés des complexes organométalliques à couche ouverte: un pont entre la chimie des bas degrés d'oxydation et la chimie de coordination de type Werner"
Université de Genève
Genève, Switzerland, December 9, 1997
"Complexes à 15 et 17 électrons de Cr(III) et Mo(III)"
Université de Lausanne
Lausanne, Switzerland, December 10, 1997
"Complexes de Mo(II) à 16 électrons: effets de spin et de donation p sur la stabilité et sur la réactivité"
Université de Lausanne
Lausanne, Switzerland, December 11, 1997
"Influence d'un changement d'état de spin sur la vitesse des réactions organométalliques"
Université de Fribourg
Fribourg, Switzerland, December 12, 1997
"Complexes de Mo(II) et de Mo(III) avec des liugands allyles et diènes: vers la catalyse de polymérisation"
82. Istituto di Chimica dei Materiali, CNR
Area della Ricerca di Roma, Montelibretti, Italy, October 28, 1977
81. Université de Rennes I
Rennes, France, May 31, 1997
80. MIT/Harvard Inorganic Colloquium
Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 20, 1996
79. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Blacksburg, Virginia, November 8, 1996
78. Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan, October 20, 1996
77. Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan, October 29, 1996
76. Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas, October 9, 1996
75. Rice University
Houston, Texas, October 8, 1996
74. University of Houston
Houston, Texas, October 7, 1996
73. Georgetown University
Washington D.C., September 25, 1996
72. Monash University
Melbourne, Australia, July 17, 1996
71. University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, March 22, 1996
70. University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, March 20, 1996
69. University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 18, 1996
68. Université de Bourgogne
Dijon, France, February 26, 1996 (interview seminar)
67. Université de Rennes I
Rennes, France, February 20, 1996 (interview seminar)
66. University of Maryland Baltimore County
Baltimore, Maryland, February 13, 1996
65. Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado, January 26, 1996
64. University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado, January 25, 1996
63. Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah, January 24, 1996
62. University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah, January 23, 1996
61. Utah State University
Logan, Utah, January 22, 1996
60. Smith College
Northampton, Massachusetts, November 3, 1995
59. University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont, November 2, 1995
58. Middlebury College
Middlebury, Vermont, November 1, 1995
57. Université de Bourgogne
Dijon, France, April 11, 1995
56. Université de Lyon I, Laboratoire de Chimie Organometallique de Surface
Villeurbanne, France, April 10, 1995
55. University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Canada, March 23, 1995
54. University of Delaware
Newark, DE, March 8, 1995
53. Tokyo Metropolitan University
Tokyo, Japan, February 20, 1995
52. Tokyo University
Tokyo, Japan, February 15, 1995
51. Kinki University
Osaka, Japan, February 10, 1995
50. Osaka University
Osaka, Japan, February 10, 1995
49. Nagoya University
Nagoya, Japan, February 9, 1995
48. University of Maryland College Park
College Park, MD, January 19, 1995 (promotion seminar)
47. Howard University
Washington D.C., October 14, 1994
46. Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Istituto CNR "Meccanismi di Reazione"
Rome, Italy, October 6, 1994
45. Technische Universität München
Garching, Germany, May 20, 1994
44. Université Louis Pasteur
Strasbourg, France, May 5, 1994
43. Universität Marburg
Marburg, Germany, May 2, 1994
42. Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule
Zürich, Switzerland, April 26, 1994
41. Universität Konstanz
Konstanz, Germany, April 25, 1994
40. Università di Pisa
Pisa, Italy, March 4, 1994
39. Università di Bologna
Bologna, Italy, March 3, 1994
38. Universität Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany, February 9, 1994
37. Technische Hochschule Aachen
Aachen, Germany, February 7, 1994
36. Universidad de Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain, December 2, 1993
35. Universidad de Alcalá
Alcalá de Henares, Spain, November 30, 1993
34. Universidad de Sevilla
Sevilla, Spain, November 29, 1993
33. Universidad de Valencia
Valencia, Spain, November 26, 1993
32. Université de Lausanne
Lausanne, Switzerland, November 24, 1993
31. Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM, April 16, 1993
30. Georgetown University
Washington D.C., November 9, 1992
29. Università di Padova
Padova, Italy, July 9, 1992
28. Università di Torino
Torino, Italy, July 7, 1992
27. University of Maryland College Park
College Park, MD, November 21, 1991 (tenure seminar)
26. University of Oxford
Oxford, UK, April 16, 1991
25. University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK, April 15, 1991
24. Università di Pisa
Pisa, Italy, April 12, 1991
23. University of Veszprem
Veszprem, Hungary, April 10, 1991
22. Eötvös University
Budapest, Hungary, April 9, 1991
21. Kossuth Lajos University
Debrecen, Hungary, April 8, 1991
20. Technische Universität München
Garching, Germany, April 5, 1991
19. Università di Milano
Milano, Italy, April 3, 1991
18. Università di Firenze
Florence, Italy, March 27, 1991
17. Università di Camerino
Camerino, Italy, March 26, 1991
16. Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Rome, Italy, March 25, 1991
15. Indiana University
Bloomington, IN, USA, March 7-8, 1991
14. University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN, USA, March 6, 1991
13. Villanova University
Villanova, PA, USA, January 15, 1991
12. American University
Washigton, D. C., USA, October 19, 1990
11. U.S. Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD, USA, October 12, 1990
10. University of West Virginia
Morgantown, WV, USA, October 3, 1990
9. E.I. Dupont de Nemours, Central Research Department
Wilmington, DE, USA, July 20, 1990
8. W. R. Grace, Research Division
Columbia, MD, USA, June 15, 1990
7. Catholic University of America
Washington D.C., USA, March 16, 1990
6. University of Maryland College Park
College Park, MD, USA, February 7, 1987 (interview seminar)
5. Rutgers University
Newark, NJ, USA, December 10, 1986 (interview seminar)
4. State University of New York
Buffalo, NY, USA, November 20, 1986 (interview seminar)
3. Texas A&M University
College Station, TX, April 15, 1986
2. Scuola Normale Superiore
Pisa, Italy, September 30, 1985 (Ph. D. graduation seminar)
1. University of Pisa
Pisa, Italy, April 19, 1981 (Laurea graduation seminar)